I'm speaking at AsiaBSDCon 2024

AsiaBSDCon 2024 starts next week in Taipei, and I’ll be there!

I’ll be presenting two sessions (working titles):

I’m excited! It’ll be my first air travel and first conference since before the pandemic; my first serious outing with my mental health in a pretty good state; and a whole new community of people and technology that I’ve had precious little to do with so far but who have been incredibly kind and encouraging since I turned up with a head full of Linuxisms and other silly ideas. And I’ll finally get to meet some of my Klara colleagues and find out if they’re as cool and interesting as they seem from the other end of the Zoom call 😇.

I’ve also scammed an invite to the two-day FreeBSD Developer Summit, where I’m hoping to find someone to stare into my bhyve/QEMU work and help me get it up to scratch (I’ll write more about these things sometime).

Should be fun! Say hi to me if you see me, I’ll be the one looking wide-eyed and confused.