twisty passages, all aligned

I just finished implementing posix_memalign(). It will help with JavaScriptCore porting, as its allocator/garbage collector wants to do lots of memory tricks, including unusual alignments. I’ll write more about my WebKit porting progress later.

I love doing pointer arithmetic. It spices up C so that I feel like I’m writing Perl one-liners:

int posix_memalign (void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size) {
    UBYTE *mem = NULL, *orig;

    /* check the alignment is valid */
    if (alignment % sizeof(void *) != 0 || !powerof2(alignment))
        return EINVAL;

    /* allocate enough space to satisfy the alignment and save some info */
    mem = AllocPooled(__startup_mempool, size + alignment + AROS_ALIGN(sizeof(size_t)) + AROS_ALIGN(sizeof(void *)));
    if (mem == NULL)
        return ENOMEM;

    /* store the size for free(). it will add sizeof(size_t) itself */
    *((size_t *) mem) = size + alignment + AROS_ALIGN(sizeof(void *));
    mem += AROS_ALIGN(sizeof(size_t));

    /* if its already aligned correctly, then we just use it as-is */
    if (((IPTR) mem & (alignment-1)) == 0) {
        *memptr = mem;
        return 0;

    orig = mem;

    /* move forward to an even alignment boundary */
    mem = (UBYTE *) (((IPTR) mem + alignment - 1) & -alignment);

    /* store a magic number in the place that free() will look for the
     * allocation size, so it can handle this specially */
    ((size_t *) mem)[-1] = MEMALIGN_MAGIC;

    /* then store the original pointer before it, for free() to find */
    ((void **) &(((size_t *) mem)[-1]))[-1] = orig;

    *memptr = mem;
    return 0;