location location location

My laptop has had an interesting couple of days. The main filesystem went read-only a couple of nights ago after a couple of random journal errors. After being fsck’d and cleaned up it did it again, so I reinstalled it and restored it from backup yesterday. Then last night it overheated, leading me to open the case and clean the wall of dust out of the fan. Its back together now, but a couple of lost of tiny parts means I have no indicator lights and no trackpoint. Fortunately the trackpad still works, but its taking a little getting used to. On the other hand, its not burning my lap or my hands anymore, so its probably an overall victory though its not quite feeling that way yet.

One of the things I did lose in the rebuild, due to it not living in one of my backup locations (which is /etc/ and /home/rob) is my cute little mobile roaming script. I rewrote it on the bus on the way home yesterday and thought that perhaps its interesting enough to post here.

The basic idea is that every day I switch between at least two networks. My home network has a PC in the hall cupboard which among other things runs a web proxy and a mail server. Its also the firewall, so web and mail traffic can’t go out directly. Work on the other hand, implements transparent proxying (with some network authentication) and has a SMTP server, but naturally it has a different address. I also occassionally use other networks (friend’s places, coffee shops, etc) which usually have no facilities at all, requiring me to fend for myself.

My laptop runs a SMTP server (Postfix) of course, because that’s just what you do on Unix. I also run a Squid proxy which I point all my local HTTP clients at. This way, when I move networks, I only have to reconfigure the local proxy rather than tweak every web client I have.

I spent a long time looking for a decent roaming reconfiguration package, but I never managed to find one. Some would try to do network detection and too often get it wrong. Some would have overly complicated and/or feature deficient configuration languages. I vaguely recall that I really liked one of them but it was tightly integrated with NetworkManager, which I don’t use because it could never seem to keep the network alive for more than a few minutes (and it appears to be pretty much tied to the GUI, which is painful when I need network on the console).

So, in the finest open source tradition, I rolled my own. The script itself is trivial; its just a tiny template expander. I’ll list the script in a moment, but first I’ll talk about its operation.

The script, which I call location, takes a location name on the command line (like home or work), runs over a (hardcoded) list of config files, reads them in, modifies them, and spits them out to the same file. It makes modifications according to templates that may exist in the file. If the file has no template, then location ends up emitting the unchanged file.

In any file you want it to modify, you add an appropriate template. This is the template I have in my /etc/postfix/main.cf:

##@ home relayhost = lookout.home
##@ work relayhost = smtp.monash.edu.au
##! /etc/init.d/postfix restart
##! sleep 1
##! /usr/bin/mailq -q

When it finds itself inside a template, location stops its normal operation of outputting the lines of the file as-is and instead starts parsing. Interesting lines begin with ##, anything else is ignored. Its the third character that determines how the line is interpreted. So far I have the following functions:

(I’ll provide an example of that last one in a moment).

So in the case of main.cf, lets say we ran location with home as the location. This would result in the template section being written to the output file as:

##@ home relayhost = lookout.home
relayhost = lookout.home
##@ work relayhost = smtp.monash.edu.au
##! /etc/init.d/postfix restart
##! sleep 1
##! /usr/bin/mailq -q

The listed commands are then run, which cause Postfix to be restarted and the mail queue to be flushed:

/etc/init.d/postfix restart
sleep 1
/usr/bin/mailq -q

Naturally Postfix interprets the template parts of the file as comments, so nothing to worry about. The next time location is run, the “bare” relayhost line is ignored, so it doesn’t get in the way.

The config for Squid is similar. Because Squid’s config file is huge, I don’t quite trust my script to handle the whole thing sanely, so at the bottom of squid.conf I’ve added:

include /etc/squid/location.conf

And in location.conf I have:

##@ home cache_peer lookout.home parent 8080 0 default
##@ home never_direct allow all
##! /etc/init.d/squid restart

By default Squid will try and hit the internet directly, which is fine for work and unknown locations. For home, i need to force it to always go to an upstream proxy, which is what those the cache_peer and never_direct directives will achieve.

The proxy at work used to be an authenticating proxy, so I had to specify both a peer and a username/password combination. This made the required amount of variable config a little unwieldy to be include in a template, which is where the > function came from. location.conf used to have this:

##> include /etc/squid/upstream.%location%.conf

Which would arrange for upstream.home.conf, upstream.work.conf, etc to be included depending on the location. There’s every chance this will come in useful again one day, so I’ve left the code in there for now.

Here’s the script in its entirety:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use 5.010;

use warnings;
use strict;

my @files = qw(

use autodie qw(:default exec);

use FindBin;

if ($< != 0) {
    exec "/usr/bin/sudo", "$FindBin::Bin/$FindBin::Script", @ARGV;

say "usage: location <where>" and exit 1 if @ARGV != 1;

my ($location) = @ARGV;

for my $file (@files) {
    say "building: $file";

    my @out;
    my @cmd;

    open my $in, "<", $file;

    my $in_template = 0;
    while (my $line = <$in>) {
        chomp $line;

        if ($line =~ m/^### START-LOCATION-TEMPLATE/) {
            $in_template = 1;
            push @out, $line;

        if ($line =~ m/^### END-LOCATION-TEMPLATE/) {
            $in_template = 0;
            push @out, $line;

        if (!$in_template) {
            push @out, $line;

        my ($tag) = $line =~ m/^##([#@!>])/;
        if (!$tag) {

        given ($tag) {
            when ('#') {
                push @out, $line;

            when ('@') {
                push @out, $line;

                my ($want, $rest) = $line =~ m/^##@ (\w+) (.*)/;
                if ($want eq $location) {
                    push @out, $rest;


            when ('!') {
                push @out, $line;

                my ($cmd) = $line =~ m/^##! (.*)/;
                push @cmd, $cmd;


            when ('>') {
                push @out, $line;

                my ($rest) = $line =~ m/^##> (.*)/;

                $rest =~ s/%location%/$location/g;

                push @out, $rest;

    die "$file: unclosed location template" if $in_template;

    close $in;

    open my $out, ">", $file;
    say $out $_ for @out;
    close $out;

    for my $cmd (@cmd) {
        say "running: $cmd";
        system $cmd;

Because its so trivial and I only run it a couple of times a day, I just run it when I get to work (location work) or when I get home (location home). If I felt inclined I could probably hook it up to my network stuff but I think that would be more trouble than its worth.

On occassion I have to use Windows on the same machine. I have no idea how to achieve something similar there, so I just reconfigure my browser. Fortunately I don’t go there often, and almost never from work. This is why I like open source. I can make my system work in exactly the way I want and usually with a minimum of fuss.